The Butterfly Princess Wiki

Zobovor Zobovor 20 January 2020

Over 1000 Wiki Entries!

We just hit a major landmark here at the Butterfly Princess wiki, having surpassed over 1,000 individual wiki entries!  That's sure a lot of goblins and Dwarves and dragons to keep track of!

Data entry for the most recent novel, The Veil of Souls, is only about halfway complete, so there are sure to be many more wiki entries to come.  The need for an encyclopedic collection of data about this vast series will only become more important as time goes on!

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Zobovor Zobovor 2 December 2019

Book Five Completed!

I just barely sent off the completed manuscript and cover illustration for my fifth novel, Still More Butterfly Tales: The Veil of Souls, to Amazon for hard copy publication.  I do plan on formatting it as an e-book as well, just as I eventually plan to have every book in the series available for purchase as a hard copy as well as an e-book.  

Amazon should be done reviewing the book in a matter of days, and it will be available for purchase very shortly.  I spent two years writing this story, and I consider it some of my best work to date, so I do recommend you look into buying it.  

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Zobovor Zobovor 29 June 2017

Embarrassment of Riches

The fourth book in the series, Embarrassment of Riches, is now live and available for purchase online at the Amazon store! Do yourself a favor and read the actual book instead of the wiki entries, which massively truncate the story to its basic elements. Reading about the story is no substitute for reading the actual novel!

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Zobovor Zobovor 2 April 2017

News Update: There Is No News to Report

The target date for publication of Book Four was last Christmas or thereabouts.  Obviously, we missed the mark, but rather than rushing the book to completion for the sake of hitting a self-imposed deadline, we felt it was important to take the extra time and hammer out some wrinkles, do some much-needed editing, and allow the final product to come together at its own, proper pace.  You can't force an apple tree to grow oranges any faster than usual, and you can't make baby kittens hatch from their eggs, and so, too, does a book come together in the due course of time.

Also, there's other important stuff going on.  All those YouTube videos aren't going to watch themselves, you know.

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Zobovor Zobovor 15 June 2015

Data Entry for The Curse of the Fate Shifter Completed!

The Butterfly Princes Wiki, as it currently stands, is completely up-to-date.  It now contains all the relevant information from all three e-books in the series, making it useful as a resource for fans of the series (and invaluable to the author, who can never seem to keep wing colors or the names of taverns straight).  

Of course, that will all change when the fourth book is published, and we'll go through this whole data-entry rigamarole all over again!

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Zobovor Zobovor 27 April 2015

Landmark for the Butterfly Princess Wiki

We just reached our 500th unique entry for the Butterfly Princess wiki!  This incredible landmark would not be possible without... well, without us, because we're doing all the hard work.  But still, it's quite an accomplishment.  (And that count is before we added the names of the Army of 100 Dwarves!)

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Zobovor Zobovor 30 December 2014

Weird Sorcery (Or: Unusual Legerdemain)

So, it has recently come to our attention that there is a motion picture film slated for a 2015 theatrical release entitled Strange Magic, produced by George Lucas of Star Wars fame, and its preview trailers feature a female character with wings and short brown hair who carries a sword.

Now, obviously we don't have the market cornered on fantasy characters. In some ways, our Butterfly Princess owes her origins to what has come before, with characters like Elinore from the animated Wizards from 1977 paving the way for more recent works like the fantastic fantasy art of Amy Brown. Also, we ourselves are hardly in any position to accuse anyone else of stealing from us. The Butterfly Princess herself (quite inadvertently and accidentally!) stole th…

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Zobovor Zobovor 10 November 2014

Book Three Is Finished!

We have some exciting news!  The third book in the ever-growing Butterfly Princess series was published online last month, entitled Yet Another Butterfly's Tale: The Curse of the Fate Shifter.

We don't have an official policy regarding precisely at what point content from the new books will be added to the Butterfly Princess Wiki.  We're assuming that if you're a new reader and don't wish to be spoiled, you won't go digging into a wiki that reveals every plot point in excruciating detail.  Seriously, people, have some self-control!

Going forward, the wiki will be updated to reflect the latest installment in the series.  We've already added a handful of new entries, but the data entry will take some time.  (The data entry for the first two books…

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Zobovor Zobovor 4 February 2013

The Difference Between Canon and Head-Canon

In documenting the stories of The Butterfly Princess, I seem to have come up against a problem.  As the author, there are things that I know about the characters, and the world that they inhabit, that have not yet been commited to paper.  (Well, they're e-books, so unless you're running off your own copies on your home computer's printer, none of it is committed to paper.  Unfortunately, the world hasn't quite caught up to the Internet and there aren't really any good turns of phrase that sum this up so succinctly.  What do I say?  "Committed to screen?"  That doesn't even make sense.)

Anyway, my point is that there are some basic, fundamental truths that I can't add to this wiki yet, because you can't find that information anywhere in the …

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Zobovor Zobovor 31 January 2013

And So It Begins...

So, I was beginning to write the third book in the Butterfly Princess series when it dawned on me that, between the first two books, I've now got about 670 pages' worth of material to keep track of.  I'm a certifiable genius, certainly (a modest one, too), but even I can't commit that much information to memory.  Sometimes I can't remember the name of a town in the story or a minor character or one of the weird animals, and I find myself sifting through page after page of text trying to find it.  I can't do that if I'm going to continue writing these books.

So, yeah, in some ways, the Butterfly Princess Wiki is more for my own peace of mind than anything else.  I could have just scribbled some notes in a memo pad somewhere, though, in handwri…

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